My Light Shines On: Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 2 with SCO & Paul Lewis
One of the world’s finest Beethoven interpreters celebrates the 250th anniversary of the composer’s birth with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra.
As a part of My Light Shines On, the Edinburgh International Festival has commissioned some of Scotland’s major national artistic companies to create extraordinary works that audiences can enjoy from their own homes. In a tribute to the enduring spirit of our Festival City, they bring light and life to sites that must stay empty this year. These unique performances for film reflect on what it means to keep a hopeful light burning in dark times.
You can watch Paul Lewis and the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and and other films as part of My Light Shines On on the Edinburgh International Festival's YouTube channel.
Paul Lewis’ cycles of Beethoven’s piano works have received unanimous public and critical acclaim, consolidating his reputation as one of the leading musicians of his generation.
To celebrate the 250th anniversary of the composer’s birth, one of today’s most eminent Beethoven interpreters offers International Festival audiences at home the opportunity to hear the elegant Classical charm of the Second Piano Concerto performed with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra.
Scottish Chamber Orchestra
Paul Lewis Piano
Stephanie Gonley Leader
Beethoven Piano Concerto No.2