The Closing Concert
The BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and the Edinburgh Festival Chorus are joined by three vocal soloists for this powerful finale to the Usher Hall programme.
Conductor Karina Canellakis, renowned for delivering emotionally charged performances, takes on feats of musical storytelling in this narrative programme. Excerpts from Richard Wagner’s influential opera Tristan und Isolde capture two lovers at the beginning and end of their doomed love affair. Alexander Scriabin’s symphonic Poème de l’extase, or Poem of Ecstasy, is an immersive experience of delicately layered melodic motifs.
Sergei Rachmaninoff’s choral symphony The Bells, inspired by Edgar Allen Poe’s poem of the same name, was one of the composer’s personal favourites. This monumental choral symphony recalls the ‘gladly chiming and mournfully tolling’ bells of Rachmaninoff ’s childhood, which filled his head as he wrote.
Her superbly managed performance… confirmed her command of large-scale musical architecture
WagnerPrelude and Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde
Scriabin Poème de l’extase
Rachmaninoff The Bells
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
Karina Canellakis Conductor
Olga Kulchynska Soprano
David Butt Philip Tenor
Alexander Vinogradov Bass
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Aidan Oliver Chorus Director
Sopranos 1
Jan Brownhill, Lesley Bruce, Simona Cenci, Annette Chapman, Lisa Dawson, Maggie Gilchrist, Jenni Halliday, Clare Hewitt, Lorna Holl, Jill Kerr, Fiona McBryde, Louise McGregor, Morag Michael, Jennifer Swan, Karen Traill, Lesley Walker
Sopranos 2
Emma Aitken, Anne Backhouse, Susan Bowden, Rhona Brown, Deborah Buckingham, Esther Chuang, Kathryn Coad, Margaret Cumming, Rosamund Davidson, Dorothy Fairweather, Aileen Fraser, Carol Haley, Leila Inglis, Lesley Johnston, Maureen Kaye, Rachael King, Maggie Kinnes, Natsuko MacArthur, Janet McKenzie, Kathy Miller, Janette Myles, April Parkins, Ros Sutherland, Kathleen White,
Altos 1
Julie Aitken, Barbara Brodie, Valerie Bryan, Yvonne Connell, Nancy Crook, Susan Crosby, Catherine Dunlop, Caroline Dunmur, Kirstie Fairnie, Emma Gosling, Rona Gray, Carol Leddy, Kirsten Leggatt, Jane MacLeod, Kate Mason, Frances McGlashan, Linda McLauchlan, Fiona Milligan, Megan Rourke, Nicola Stock, Mary Taylor, Ruth Townsend, Kirsty Weaver, Brenda Williamson,
Altos 2
Moira Allingham, Jeanette Bell, Anna Borbely, Wendy Colquhoun, Ann Firth, Mary Gordon, Tori Graham, Anne Grindley, Linda Hunter, Jan Livesley, Carol Madden, Frances McDevitt, Catriona McDonald, Marita McMillan, Janette Morrison, Lucy O'Leary, Judith Robertson, Penny Stone
Tenors 1
David Arulanantham, Joanna Bleau, Brenden Glen, Richard Hellewell, Matthew Kimble, David Leaver, Gio MacDonald, Matthew McKinney, Alex Rankine, Mike Towers, Eric Turnbull
Tenors 2
Malcolm Bennett, Andrew Binnian, John Burnside, Richard Dearsley, Graham Drew, Guy Johnson, Sam Leggett, Martin McKean, James White
Basses 1
Felix Boecking, Derek Calder, Peter Cannell, Malcolm Crosby, Martin Gray, John Halliday, Nick Harding, David Hewitson, Andrew Hyder, Ivor Klayman, Andrew Lyons, David Mack-Smith, Tom Marshall, Andrew Moore, Graham Naysmith, Roger Robertson, Graham Scott
Basses 2
Mark Adams, Ken Allen, Philip Coad, Callum Hay, Stephen Lipton, Sandy Matheson, John McLeod, Chris Morris, Andrew Scott, Martin Scott, Mike Smith, David Traill