A magical dance theatre work for children and families that challenged you to wonder, and to contemplate our eternal dream: to be able to fly.
Have you ever dreamt of flying – of soaring with the birds in the sky?
Vuelos is a magical dance theatre work for children and families that challenges you to wonder, and to contemplate our eternal dream: to be able to fly.
Combining captivating digital animation and life-size puppets, mirrors and shadows, athletic choreography and hypnotic music, Vuelos gives full rein to Leonardo da Vinci’s fascination with flight – and the ingenious machines he devised to cross the sky and join the soaring birds.
Vuelos is created by Aracaladanza, a multi award-winning dance theatre company from Madrid specialising in works for children and young people. Led by choreographer Enrique Cabrera, Aracaladanza has won a raft of international prizes over its 21-year history for its fantastical dance stories told through movement, music, lighting, costume and rhythm.
Vuelos draws on Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings, paintings and sculptures, his explorations of anatomy and geometry, as dancers transform into magical winged creatures, or embody his elegant perpetual motion machines. Bewitching, comic and astonishingly inventive, it appeals directly to the senses and the emotions, and is aimed at children over five, with plenty to stimulate and entertain adults too.
For children age 5+
Photo: Pedro Arany
Enrique Cabrera Concept and director
Aracaladanza Choreography
Luis Miguel Cobo Music
Elisa Sanz Set and costume designer
Pedro Yagüe Lighting designer
Álvaro Luna Video designer
Carolina Arija Gallardo, Jimena Trueba Toca, Jonatan de Luis Mazagatos, Jorge Brea Salgueiro, Raquel de la Plaza Húmera Dancers
More information about some of the artists
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Enrique Cabrera